
Create slices

 Do one of the following:
  • Select one or more objects on the artboard, and choose Object > Slice > Make.

  • Select the Slice tool  and drag over the area where you want to create a slice. Shift-drag to constrain the slice to a square. Alt‑drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) to draw from the center.

  • Select one or more objects on the artboard, and choose Object > Slice > Create From Selection.

  • Place guides where you want to slice the artwork, and choose Object > Slice > Create From Guides.

  • Select an existing slice, and choose Object > Slice > Duplicate Slice.

    Use the Object > Slice > Make command when you want the slice dimensions to match the boundary of an element in your artwork. If you move or modify the element, the slice area automatically adjusts to encompass the new artwork. Also use this command to create a slice that captures text and basic formatting characteristics from a text object.
    Use the Slice tool, the Create From Selection command, or the Create From Guides command when you want the slice dimensions to be independent of the underlying artwork. Slices that you create in one of these ways appear as items in the Layers panel, and you can move, resize, and delete them in the same way as other vector objects.