
Add documents to a book file

When you create a book file, it opens in the Book panel. The Book panel is the working area of a book file, where you add, remove, or rearrange documents.

  1. Choose Add Document in the Book panel menu, or click the plus button  at the bottom of the Book panel.
  2. Select the Adobe InDesign document or documents you want to add, and then click Open.
    You can drag and drop files onto the Book panel from an Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac OS) window. You can also drag a document from one book to another. Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) to copy the document.
  3. If you included documents created in earlier versions of InDesign, they will be converted to Adobe InDesign CS3 format when added to the book. In the Save As dialog box, specify a new name for the converted document (or leave the name as is), and then click Save.
    Note: You must convert Adobe PageMaker or QuarkXPress documents before adding them to the book file.
  4. If necessary, change the order of the documents in the panel by dragging them up or down to the appropriate locations in the list.
  5. To designate a document as the style source, click the box next to the document’s name in the panel.

To open a document in a book file, double-click the document name in the Book panel.