

Check in content

When you check in a managed content file, you save it to a shared location on a file system where it can be checked out by others for editing or other changes. Exporting a text or graphics frame from InDesign also checks it in automatically.

Although a checked-in file is available for editing, it is not actually editable until it is checked out (unless you edit the content in stand-alone mode in InCopy). Checking in content relinquishes editing control, but does not close the file. The content remains open on your screen, but in a read-only state.

The LiveEdit Workflow plug‑ins do not create multiple file versions. Instead, files are overwritten when updated in either InCopy or InDesign. (To gain file-versioning capabilities, as well as many other features, use Adobe Version Cue in InDesign or InCopy with a Version Cue Workspace. Version Cue is an authoring environment, which is available only as part of Adobe Creative Suite 3.)

If you are working on an assignment package, return or forward the assignment package after checking it in.

Check in managed content (InDesign)

 Do one of the following:
  • Select the content in the layout and choose Edit > InCopy > Check In.

  • In the Assignments panel, select the content and choose Check In from the panel menu.

Check in managed content (InCopy)

 Do one of the following:
  • Select the content in Layout view and choose File > Check In.

  • In the Assignments panel, select the content and choose Check In from the panel menu.

Note: You can undo the most recent changes before you check in content.
When you check in a file, the Available icon appears on the text or graphics frame in the InDesign layout, in the InCopy Layout view, in the Assignments panel, and in the story bar (InCopy).