As you work on content you have checked out, you can save your changes and update the file-system copy.
To save the selected content without saving changes to the InDesign document or any of its linked files, select the content in the layout and choose Edit > InCopy > Save Content.
To save every content file checked out to you, choose
File > Save. This type of save does not automatically
update assignment files or checked-out content files in InCopy.
However, the checked-out files in InCopy will show the Out Of Date
icon in
the Assignments panel.
To save the InDesign document under a new name with links to any existing InCopy files, choose File > Save As. This type of save creates a situation in which one or more InCopy files are linked to two InDesign documents.
To save a copy of the currently active document, choose File > Save A Copy. You can choose to give the copy a new name and location with links to any existing InCopy files.