The Place command lets you import more than one item at a time.
You can select graphics files, text files, InDesign files, and other files you can add to InDesign documents.
A thumbnail image of the first graphic you selected appears next to the loaded graphics icon. A number next to the loaded graphics icon tells you how many graphics are ready for importing. The names of the graphics appear in the Links panel, with the letters LP (for “loaded in place cursor”) next to the frontmost graphic.
To import into a new frame, click the loaded graphics icon where you want the upper left corner of the graphic to appear.
To create a frame of a certain size and import the graphic into the frame, drag-click to define the frame.
To import into an existing frame, click the loaded graphics icon in the frame.
To import all the graphics in a cascade, Ctrl+Shift-click (Windows) Command+Shift-click (Mac OS).