InDesign offers nine transparency effects. Many of the settings and options for creating these effects are similar.
The Drop Shadow effect creates a three-dimensional shadow. You can offset the drop shadow along the x or y axis, as well as vary the blending mode, color, opacity, distance, angle, and size of the drop shadow. Use these options to determine how the drop shadow interacts with objects and transparency effects:
Click the Drop Shadow button on
the Control panel to quickly apply a drop shadow to or remove a
drop shadow from an object, a stroke, a fill, or text.
For a video on creating drop shadows, see
The Inner Shadow effect places the shadow inside the object, giving the impression that the object is recessed. You can offset the inner shadow along different axes and vary the blending mode, opacity, distance, angle, size, noise, and choke of the shadow.
The Outer Glow effect makes the glow emanate from under the object. You can set the blending mode, opacity, technique, noise, size, and spread.
The Inner Glow effect causes an object to glow from the inside out. Choose the blending mode, opacity, technique, size, noise and choke settings, as well as the Source setting:
Use the Bevel and Emboss effect to give objects a realistic, three-dimensional look. The Structure settings determine the object’s size and shape:
The Shading settings determine how light interacts with the object:
Use the Satin effect to give objects a smooth, satin-like finish. Choose the blending mode, opacity, angle, distance, and size settings, as well as whether to invert colors and transparencies:
For a video on feathering, see
To create a gradient stop, click below the Gradient Slider (drag a gradient stop away from the slider to remove a stop).
To adjust the position of a stop, drag it left or right, or select it and then drag the Location slider.
To adjust the mid-point between two opacity stops, drag a diamond above the Gradient Slider. Where the diamond is located determines how abrupt or gradual the transition between stops is.