
Print a document or book

  1. Make sure that you’ve installed the correct driver and PPD for your printer.
  2. Open the Print dialog box:
    • If you have individual documents open, choose File > Print. This opens the Print dialog box for the frontmost open document.

    • If you have either no documents or all documents selected in the Book panel, choose Print Book in the Book panel menu. This will print all documents in a book.

    • If you have some documents selected in the Book panel, choose Print Selected Documents in the Book panel menu.

  3. Specify the printer you’re using in the Printer menu. If a printer preset has the settings you want, choose it in the Print Preset menu.
  4. In the General area, type the number of copies to print, choose whether to collate pages or print them in reverse order, and indicate which pages you want printed.
    Note: The Page Range option is unavailable if you’re printing a book.
  5. Indicate whether you want to print nonprinting objects, blank pages, or visible grids and baseline grids.
  6. Adjust settings as needed for each area of the Print dialog box.
  7. Click Print.

Settings you specify in the Print dialog box are saved with the document.

Page printing options

You can print all pages, even or odd pages only, a series of individual pages, or a contiguous range.

Specifies the range of pages to print in the current document. Indicate numbers in a range by using a hyphen, and indicate multiple pages or ranges by using commas or spaces. (See Specifying pages to print.)

Choose All Pages to print all pages of a document. Choose Even Pages Only or Odd Pages Only to print only those pages within the specified range. These options are unavailable when you are using the Spreads or Print Master Pages options.

Prints pages together, as if they were bound, or printed on the same sheet. You can print only one spread per sheet. If the new page is larger than the currently selected paper size, InDesign prints as much as it can, but won’t automatically scale the page to fit the imageable area, unless you select Scale To Fit in the Setup area of the Print dialog box. You may also want to specify landscape orientation.
Note: If different trapping styles are applied to pages in the spread, InDesign resolves the differences.

Print Master Pages
Prints all master pages, rather than document pages. Selecting this option makes the Ranges option unavailable.

Examples of page ranges

Page range

Pages printed


Page 11 to the last page of the document.


All pages up to and including page 11.


Page 11 only.


All pages up to and including page 11.


All pages from the eleventh page to the end of document.

1, 3-8,

Page 1, plus pages 3 to 8.

+1, +3-+8,

Page 1, plus pages 3 to 8.


All pages in section labeled “Sec1”.


Page numbered 7 (not necessarily the seventh page of that section) in section labeled “Sec2.”


Page numbered 7 in section labeled “PartB” to last page of section.


Page 7 in section labeled “Chap2” to end of section labeled “Chap3”.

Sec4:3-Sec4:6, Sec3:7

Pages 3–6 in “Sec4” and page 7 in “Sec3”.

Options for printing objects

The General area of the Print dialog box contains options for printing elements usually visible only on-screen, such as grids and guides. Choose from the following options:

Print Layers
Determine which layers are printed. (See Choose which layers are printed or exported to PDF.)

Print Non-printing Objects
Prints all objects, regardless of your settings to selectively prevent individual objects from printing.

Print Blank Pages
Prints all pages in the specified page range, even if no text or objects appear on a page. This option is unavailable when you are printing separations. If you are using Print Booklet for composite printing, use the Print Blank Printer Spreads option to print blank spreads added to fill out composite signatures.

Print Visible Guides and Baseline Grids
Prints visible guides and grids in the same color as shown in the document. You can control which guides and grids are visible in the View menu. This option is unavailable when you are printing separations.