
Draw a wheel shape

You cut out a shape within an existing shape so that the layers underneath show through. This procedure shows you how to create a doughnut shape, but you can use this technique with any combination of the shape tools, including custom shapes.

  1. Select the Ellipse tool  in the toolbox. It may be hidden by one of the other shape tools or the Line tool .
  2. In the options bar at the top of the work area, select the Shape Layer button .
  3. Drag in the document window to draw the shape. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to constrain the ellipse to a circle.
  4. In the options bar, select the Subtract From Shape Area button .
  5. Drag within the new shape to create the cutout. When you release the mouse, the image underneath the new shape shows through.
  6. To reposition either shape, click the Path Selection tool  in the toolbox (it may be hidden by the Direct Selection tool ), and select the path. Drag it to its new location or use the arrow keys on the keyboard to nudge it a pixel at a time.
    Shift-click to select more than one path.