
Draw multiple shapes in a layer

You can draw separate shapes on a layer, or use the Add, Subtract, Intersect, or Exclude options to modify the current shape on a layer.

  1. Select the layer to which you want to add shapes.
  2. Select a drawing tool and set tool-specific options (see Shape tool options).
  3. Choose one of the following in the options bar:
    Add To Shape Area 
    Adds the new area to the existing shapes or path.

    Subtract From Shape Area 
    Removes the overlapping area from the existing shapes or path.

    Intersect Shape Areas 
    Restricts the area to the intersection of the new area and the existing shapes or path.

    Exclude Overlapping Shape Areas 
    Excludes the overlap area in the consolidated new and existing areas.

  4. Draw in the image. You can easily switch between drawing tools by clicking a tool button in the options bar.