
Keys for using Measurement (Photoshop Extended Only)



Mac OS

Record a measurement

Shift + Control + M

Shift + Command + M

Deselects all measurements

Control + D

Command + D

Selects all measurements

Control + A

Command + A

Hide/show all measurements

Shift + Control + H

Shift + Command + H

Removes a measurement



Nudge the measurement

Arrow keys

Arrow keys

Nudge the measurement in increments

Shift + arrow keys

Shift + arrow keys

Extend/shorten selected measurement

Left/right arrow key

Left/right arrow key

Extend/shorten selected measurement in increments

Shift + left/right arrow key

Shift + left/right arrow key

Rotate selected measurement

Control + arrow key

Command + arrow key

Rotate selected measurement in increments

Shift + Control + arrow key

Shift + Command + arrow key