
About perspective planes and the grid

Before you can make edits in Vanishing Point, you define rectangular planes that line up with the perspective in an image. The accuracy of the plane determines whether any edits or adjustments are properly scaled and oriented in your image.

After you establish the four corner nodes, the perspective plane is active and displays a bounding box and a grid. You can scale, move, or reshape to fine-tune the perspective plane. You can also change the grid size so it lines up with elements in the image. Sometimes, lining up the bounding box and grid with a texture or pattern in your image helps you accurately match the image’s perspective. Adjusting the grid size can also make it easier for you to count items in the image.

Besides helping to line up the perspective planes with image elements, the grid is helpful for visualizing measurements when used with the Measure tool. An option is available to link the grid size to measurements you make with the Measure tool.