
Work in Vanishing Point

1. (Optional) Prepare your image for work in Vanishing Point.

Before choosing the Vanishing Point command, do any of the following:

  • To put the results of your Vanishing Point work in a separate layer, first create a new layer before choosing the Vanishing Point command. Putting the Vanishing Point results in a separate layer preserves your original image and you can use the layer opacity control, styles, and blending modes.

  • If you plan to clone the content in your image beyond the boundaries of the current image size, increase the canvas size to accommodate the additional content. See also Change the canvas size

  • If you plan to paste an item from the Photoshop clipboard into Vanishing Point, copy the item before choosing the Vanishing Point command. The copied item can be from a different Photoshop document. If you’re copying type, select the entire text layer and then copy to the clipboard.

  • To confine the Vanishing Point results to specific areas of your image, either make a selection or add a mask to your image before choosing the Vanishing Point command. See also Select with the marquee tools and About masks and alpha channels.

  • To copy something in perspective from one Photoshop document to another, first copy the item while in Vanishing Point in one document. When you paste the item in another document while in Vanishing Point, the item’s perspective is preserved.

2. Choose Filter > Vanishing Point.

3. Define the four corner nodes of the plane surface.

By default, the Create Plane tool  is selected. Click in the preview image to define the corner nodes. Try to use a rectangle object in the image as a guide when creating the plane.

Defining the four corner nodes with the Create Plane tool

To tear off additional planes, use the Create Plane tool and Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) an edge node.

Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) an edge node to tear off a plane.

For more information, see Define and adjust perspective planes in Vanishing Point.

4. Edit the image.

Do any of the following:

5. (Photoshop Extended only) Export 3D information and measurements to DXF or 3DS format.

Textures are also exported to 3DS format. For detailed information, see Export measurements, textures, and 3D information.

6. Click OK.

Grids can be rendered to Photoshop by choosing Render Grids To Photoshop from the Vanishing Point menu before you click OK. For detailed information, see Render grids to Photoshop.