

Play an action on a file

Playing an action executes the action’s recorded commands in the active document. (Some actions require that you make a selection before playing; some can be executed on an entire file.) You can exclude specific commands from an action or play only a single command. If the action includes a modal control, you can specify values in a dialog box or use a modal tool when the action pauses.

Note: In Button mode, clicking a button executes the entire action—although commands previously excluded are not executed.
  1. If necessary, select objects on which to play the action, or open a file.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • (Illustrator) To play a set of actions, select the set name, and click the Play button  in the Actions palette, or choose Play from the palette menu.

    • To play an entire single action, select the action name, and click the Play button in the Actions palette, or choose Play from the palette menu.

    • If you assigned a key combination to the action, press that combination to play the action automatically.

    • To play only a part of an action, select the command from which you want to start playing, and click the Play button in the Actions palette, or choose Play from the palette menu.

    • To play a single command, select the command, and then Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the Play button in the Actions palette. You can also press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS), and double-click the command.

In Photoshop, to undo an action, take a snapshot in the History palette before you play an action, and then select the snapshot to undo the action.