
Add, replace, and delete color swatches

Color swatches can be added or deleted from the Swatches palette.

You can also add a color swatch from the color picker by clicking the Add To Swatches button.

Add a color to the Swatches palette

  1. Decide which color you want to add and make it the foreground color.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the New Swatch button  in the Swatches palette. Alternatively, choose New Swatch from the Swatches palette menu.

    • Position the pointer over an empty space in the bottom row of the Swatches palette (the pointer turns into the Paint Bucket tool), and click to add the color. Enter a name for the new color and click OK.

      Color selected from image (left), and added to Swatches palette (right)

    Note: New colors are saved in the Photoshop preferences file so that they persist between editing sessions. To permanently save a color, save it in a library.

Replace a color in the Swatches palette

  1. Click a color swatch in the Swatches palette to make it the foreground color.
  2. Edit the foreground color.
  3. Shift-click the original color swatch to replace it with the edited color.

Delete a color from the Swatches palette

 Do one of the following:
  • Drag a swatch to the Delete icon .

  • Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), position the pointer over a swatch (the pointer turns into scissors), and click.