Swatch libraries provide an easy way to access
different sets of colors. Custom sets of swatches can be saved as
a library for reuse. Swatches can also be saved in a format for
sharing in other applications.
Choose one of the following from
the Swatches palette menu:
Load Swatches
Adds a library to the current set of swatches. Select
the library file you want to use, and click Load.
Replace Swatches
Replaces the current list with a different library. Select
the library file you want to use, and click Load. Photoshop gives
your the option of saving the current set of swatches before replacing
Name of a color library
Loads a specific color system listed in the lower part
of the Swatches palette menu. You can either replace or append the
current set of colors with the library you’re loading.
Choose Save Swatches from the Swatches
palette menu.
Choose a location for the swatch library, enter a file
name, and click Save.
You can save the library anywhere. However, if you place
the library file in the Presets/Swatches folder in the default presets
location, the library name will appear at the bottom of the Swatches
palette menu after you restart the application.