
Convert background and layers

When you create a new image with a white background or a colored background, the bottommost image in the Layers palette is called Background. An image can have only one background layer. You cannot change the stacking order of a background layer, its blending mode, or its opacity. However, you can convert a background into a regular layer, and then change any of these attributes.

When you create a new image with transparent content, the image does not have a background layer. The bottommost layer is not constrained like the background layer; you can move it anywhere in the Layers palette and change its opacity and blending mode.

Convert a background into a layer

  1. Double-click Background in the Layers palette, or choose Layer > New > Layer From Background.
  2. Set layer options. (See Create layers and groups.)
  3. Click OK.

Convert a layer into a background

  1. Select a layer in the Layers palette.
  2. Choose Layer > New > Background From Layer.

    Any transparent pixels in the layer are converted to the background color, and the layer drops to the bottom of the layer stack.

    Note: You cannot create a background by giving a regular layer the name, Background—you must use the Background From Layer command.