Before you begin using Version Cue features, you’ll need to install and configure the Version Cue Server, create a project, and assign users to it.
When you install Creative Suite 3 Design, Web, and Master Collection editions, a Version Cue Server is installed on your computer, but is not turned on. You can turn on the server to enable simple file sharing; however, if you want to share Version Cue-managed assets with a workgroup, you should install it on a dedicated computer accessible to others on your network. See About Version Cue Server installation.
When you start the server for the first time, you’ll be prompted to specify initial server settings, including a system administrator password, server name and visibility settings, and default user access rights. See Turn on and configure the Version Cue Server.
Configure the server further by specifying settings in Version Cue Server preferences and in Version Cue Server Administration. See Set Version Cue Server preferences and Advanced Version Cue Server Administration tasks.
After you’ve set up and configured the Version Cue Server, you can create projects and assign users to them. By default, projects you create in Version Cue are private. You change a project’s shared status at any time, and restrict access to the project, by specifying that users log in when they access the project.
Create projects by using Bridge, the Adobe dialog box, or Version Cue Server Administration. To specify advanced project properties, such as requiring user login and assigning user access permissions, you must use Version Cue Server Administration. See Create projects and Create and manage projects in Version Cue Server Administration.
Once you’ve created a project, add files to the project so users can check them out, make changes, and check them back in. You can add multiple Adobe or non-Adobe files by using Bridge, or add files one at a time from within a Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite component by using the Adobe dialog box. See Add files and folders to a project.