Table of Contents
Home Page
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What’s new?
Productivity enhancements
Image editing improvements
Compositing enhancements
3D and motion advances
Comprehensive image analysis
Workspace basics
Workspace overview
Customize the workspace
Save, delete, and switch between workspaces
Display or hide tool tips
Adobe Bridge
Palettes and menus
Enter values in palettes, dialog boxes, and the options bar
About pop‑up sliders
About scrubby sliders
Working with pop‑up palettes
Display context menus
Define a set of menus
Delete a set of menus
Temporarily show hidden menu items
Turn menu colors on or off
About tools
Selection tools gallery
Crop and slice tools gallery
Retouching tools gallery
Painting tools gallery
Drawing and type tools gallery
Annotation, measuring, and navigation tools gallery
Use a tool
Cycle through hidden tools
Change tool pointers
Using the options bar
Create and use tool presets
Viewing images
Change the screen mode
View another area of an image
Use the Navigator palette
Zoom in or out
View images in multiple windows
Match locations in images
Match zoom and locations in images
Work with the Info palette
Display file information in the document window
Duplicate an image
Rulers, the grid, and guides
About rulers
Change a ruler’s zero origin
Change the unit of measurement
Specify columns for an image
Position with the Ruler tool
Position with guides and the grid
Use snapping
Show or hide Extras
Work with the Preset Manager
About the Preset Manager
Load a library of preset items
Manage preset items
About preferences
Open a preferences dialog box
Restore all preferences to default settings
Disable and enable warning messages
Specify a legacy serial number
About plug‑in modules
Install a plug‑in module
Select an additional plug‑ins folder
Suppress the loading of plug‑ins
View information about installed plug‑ins
Recovery and undo
Use the Undo or Redo commands
Revert to the last saved version
Restore part of an image to its previously saved version
Cancel an operation
Receive notification when an operation is completed
Work with the History palette
Make a snapshot of an image
Memory and performance
Allocate RAM to Photoshop
Assigning scratch disks
Change the scratch disk assignment
Enable 3D Acceleration (Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 Extended)
Specify history and cache settings
Free memory
Opening and importing images
Photoshop images
About bitmap images
About vector graphics
Combining vector graphics and bitmap images
Color channels
Bit depth
Convert between bit depths
Image size and resolution
About pixel dimensions and resolution
File size
About monitor resolution
About printer resolution
Change pixel dimensions of an image
Change the print dimensions and resolution
Determine a suggested resolution for an image
View the print size on‑screen
Acquiring images from cameras and scanners
Acquiring digital images from cameras
Import images from a digital camera using WIA (Windows only)
Importing scanned images
Creating, opening, and importing images
Create a new image
Adobe Version Cue
Open files
Open PDF files
Open an EPS file
Open a Photo CD file
Import PICT files and resources (Mac OS)
Placing files
About placing files
Place a file in Photoshop
Place PDF or Illustrator files in Photoshop
Paste Adobe Illustrator art into Photoshop
High dynamic range images
About high dynamic range images
Merge images to HDR
Adjust dynamic range view for HDR images
Convert from 32 bits to 8 or 16 bpc
About the HDR Color Picker (Photoshop Extended)
Paint on HDR images (Photoshop Extended)
Camera Raw
Introduction to Camera Raw
About camera raw files
About Camera Raw
About the Digital Negative (DNG) format
Processing images with Camera Raw
Camera Raw dialog box overview
Work with the Camera Raw cache in Bridge
Navigating, opening, and saving images
Process, compare, and rate multiple images in Camera Raw
Automating image processing with Camera Raw
Open images in Camera Raw
Save a camera raw image in another format
Making color and tonal adjustments in Camera Raw
Using histogram and RGB levels in Camera Raw
Preview highlight and shadow clipping in Camera Raw
White balance controls in Camera Raw
Adjust tone in Camera Raw
Fine-tune tone curves in Camera Raw
Saturation and Vibrance controls in Camera Raw
HSL / Grayscale controls in Camera Raw
Tone a grayscale image in Camera Raw
Adjust color rendering for your camera in Camera Raw
Compensate for chromatic aberration in Camera Raw
Compensate for lens vignetting in Camera Raw
Modifying images with Camera Raw
Rotate images with Camera Raw
Straighten images in Camera Raw
Crop selected images in Camera Raw
Adjust sharpening in Camera Raw
Reducing noise in Camera Raw
Camera Raw settings
Save, reset, and load Camera Raw settings
Specify where Camera Raw settings are stored
Copy and paste Camera Raw settings
Apply saved Camera Raw settings
Export Camera Raw settings and DNG previews
Camera Raw Workflow options
About color
Understanding color
Color models, spaces, and modes
Adjusting color hue, saturation, and brightness
Color modes
RGB Color mode
CMYK Color mode
Lab Color mode
Grayscale mode
Bitmap mode
Duotone mode
Indexed Color mode
Multichannel mode
Converting between color modes
Convert an image to another color mode
Add a conditional mode change to an action
Convert a color photo to Grayscale mode
Convert an image to Bitmap mode
Convert a Bitmap mode image to Grayscale mode
Convert a grayscale or RGB image to indexed color
Customize indexed color tables
Choosing colors
About foreground and background colors
Choose colors in the toolbox
Choose colors with the Eyedropper tool
Adobe Color Picker overview
Choose a color with the Adobe Color Picker
Choose web‑safe colors
Choose a CMYK equivalent for a non-printable color
Choose a spot color
Change the color picker
Color palette overview
Select a color in the Color palette
Select a color in the Swatches palette
Add, replace, and delete color swatches
Manage swatch libraries
Share swatches between applications
Color management
Understanding color management
Why colors sometimes don’t match
What is a color management system?
Do you need color management?
Creating a viewing environment for color management
Keeping colors consistent
About color management in Adobe applications
Basic steps for producing consistent color
Synchronize color settings across Adobe applications
Set up color management
Change the appearance of CMYK black (Illustrator, InDesign)
Managing process and spot colors
Color-managing imported images
Color-managing imported images (Illustrator, InDesign)
Using a safe CMYK workflow
Preparing imported graphics for color management
View or change profiles for imported bitmap images (InDesign)
Color-managing documents for online viewing
Color-managing documents for online viewing
Color-managing PDFs for online viewing
Color-managing HTML documents for online viewing
Proofing colors
Soft-proofing colors
Soft-proof colors
Save or load a custom proof setup
Soft-proof colors (Acrobat)
Color-managing documents when printing
Printing with color management
Letting the printer determine colors when printing
Letting the application determine colors when printing
Obtaining custom profiles for desktop printers
Color-managing PDFs for printing
Working with color profiles
About color profiles
About monitor calibration and characterization
Calibrate and profile your monitor
Install a color profile
Embed a color profile
Embed a color profile (Acrobat)
Changing the color profile for a document
Assign or remove a color profile (Illustrator, Photoshop)
Assign or remove a color profile (InDesign)
Convert document colors to another profile (Photoshop)
Convert document colors to another profile
Color settings
Customize color settings
About color working spaces
Working Space options
About missing and mismatched color profiles
Color management policy options
Color conversion options
About rendering intents
Advanced controls in Photoshop
Making color and tonal adjustments
Viewing histograms and pixel values
About histograms
Histogram palette overview
View the histogram for a multilayered document
Preview histogram adjustments
Refresh the histogram display
View color values in an image
Adjusting color samplers
Understanding color adjustments
Before making color and tonal adjustments
Correcting images
Color adjustment commands
Make a color adjustment
Save and reapply adjustment dialog box settings
Correcting Colors in CMYK and RGB
Identify out‑of‑gamut colors
Adjusting image color and tone
Levels overview
Adjust tonal range using Levels
Adjust color using Levels
Curves overview
Adjust color and tonality with Curves
Color correct using the eyedroppers
Adjust hue and saturation
Convert a color image to black and white
Improve shadow and highlight detail
Add contrast to a photo
Adjust Exposure for HDR images
Targeting images for press
Setting highlight and shadow target values
Using Levels to preserve highlight and shadow details for printing
To set target values using the eyedroppers
Matching, replacing, and mixing colors
Match the color in different images
Replace the color of objects in an image
Mix color channels
Make selective color adjustments
Making quick image adjustments
Change the color balance using the Photo Filter command
Apply the Color Balance command
Apply the Brightness/Contrast command
Apply the Auto Levels command
Apply the Auto Contrast command
Remove a color cast with Auto Color
Set Auto adjustment options
Apply the Variations command
To use the Equalize command
Applying special color effects to images
Desaturate colors
Invert colors
Create a two‑value black and white image
Posterize an image
Apply a gradient map to an image
Retouching and transforming
Adjusting crop, rotation, and canvas
Crop images
Transform perspective while cropping
Crop and Straighten photos
Rotate or flip an entire image
Change the canvas size
Make a photo frame
Retouching and repairing images
About the Clone Source palette
Retouch with the Clone Stamp tool
Set sample sources for cloning and healing
Retouch with the Healing Brush tool
Retouch with the Spot Healing Brush tool
Patch an area
Remove red eye
Replace color in image areas
Smudge image areas
Blur image areas
Sharpen image areas
Dodge or burn areas
Adjust color saturation in image areas
Correcting image distortion and noise
About lens distortion
Correct lens distortion and adjust perspective
Reduce image noise and JPEG artifacts
Adjusting image sharpness and blur
Sharpen images
Sharpen using Smart Sharpen
Sharpen using Unsharp Mask
Sharpen selectively
Add lens blur
Transforming objects
Apply transformations
Select an item to transform
Set or move the reference point for a transformation
Scale, rotate, skew, distort, apply perspective, or warp
Flip or rotate precisely
Repeat a transformation
Duplicate an item when transforming it
Transform freely
Warp an item
Liquify filter
Liquify filter overview
Distortion tools
Distort an image
Freeze and thaw areas
Reconstruct distortions
Work with meshes
Work with backdrops
Vanishing Point
About Vanishing Point
Vanishing Point dialog box overview
Work in Vanishing Point
About perspective planes and the grid
Define and adjust perspective planes in Vanishing Point
About selections in Vanishing Point
Fill selections with another area of an image
Copy selections in Vanishing Point
Paste an item into Vanishing Point
Paint with a color in Vanishing Point
Paint with sampled pixels in Vanishing Point
Measure in Vanishing Point
Export measurements, textures, and 3D information
Render grids to Photoshop
Create panoramic images
About Photomerge
Take pictures for use with Photomerge
Create a Photomerge composition
Create a photomerge interactively
Making selections
About selecting pixels
Select, deselect, and reselect pixels
Select with the marquee tools
Select with the Lasso tool
Select with the Polygonal Lasso tool
Select with the Magnetic Lasso tool
Select with the Quick Selection tool
Select with the Magic Wand tool
Select a color range
Adjusting pixel selections
Move, hide, or invert a selection
Adjust selections manually
Expand or contract a selection by a specific number of pixels
Create a selection around a selection border
Expand a selection to include areas with similar color
Clean up stray pixels in a color-based selection
Refine selection edges
Soften the edges of selections
Remove fringe pixels from a selection
Moving and copying selected pixels
Move a selection
Copy selections
Copy between applications
Deleting and extracting objects
Remove (cut) an object from a photo
Delete selected pixels
Extract an object from its background
About channels
Channels palette overview
Show or hide a channel
Show color channels in color
Select and edit channels
Rearrange and rename alpha and spot channels
Duplicate channels
Split channels into separate images
Merge channels
Delete a channel
Saving selections and using masks
About masks and alpha channels
Create a temporary quick mask
Change Quick Mask options
Create and edit alpha channel masks
Save and load selections
Channel calculations
Blending layers and channels
Blend channels with the Apply Image command
Blend channels with the Calculations command
Add and Subtract blending modes
Layer Basics
About layers
Layers palette overview
Convert background and layers
Create layers and groups
Duplicate layers
Show or hide a layer, group, or style
View layers and groups within a group
Sample from all visible layers
Change transparency preferences
Selecting, grouping, and linking layers
Select layers
Group and ungroup layers
Add layers to a group
Link and unlink layers
Moving, stacking, and locking layers
Change the stack order of layers and groups
Show layer edges and handles
Move the content of layers
Align objects on different layers
Distribute layers and groups evenly
Automatically align image layers
Auto blend layers
Rotate a layer
Lock layers
Managing layers
Rename a layer or group
Assign a color to a layer or group
Rasterize layers
Delete a layer or group
Export layers
Track file size
Merge and stamp layers
Setting opacity and blending
Specify opacity for a layer or group
Specify fill opacity for a layer
Specify a blending mode for a layer or group
Filling new layers with a neutral color
Create a knockout
Exclude channels from blending
Group blend effects
Specify a tonal range for blending layers
Layer effects and styles
About layer effects and styles
Apply preset styles
Layer Styles dialog box overview
Apply or edit a custom layer style
Layer style options
Modify layer effects with contours
Set a global lighting angle for all layers
Display or hide layer styles
Create and manage preset styles
Copy layer styles
Scale a layer effect
Remove layer effects
Convert a layer style to image layers
Adjustment and fill layers
About adjustment layers and fill layers
Create adjustment and fill layers
Edit an adjustment or fill layer
Merging adjustment layers or fill layers
Nondestructive editing
About nondestructive editing
About Smart Objects
Create Smart Objects
Duplicate a Smart Object
Edit the content of a Smart Object
Replace the contents of a Smart Object
Export the contents of a Smart Object
Convert a Smart Object to a layer
About Smart Filters
Apply a Smart Filter
Edit a Smart Filter
Hide Smart Filters
Reorder, duplicate, or delete Smart Filters
Mask Smart Filters
Layer comps
About layer comps
Create a layer comp
Apply and view layer comps
Change and update a layer comp
Clear layer comp warnings
Delete a layer comp
Export layer comps
Masking layers
About layer and vector masks
Add layer masks
Edit a layer mask
Select and display the layer mask channel
Disable or enable a layer mask
Change the layer mask rubylith color or opacity
Add and edit vector masks
Unlinking layers and masks
Apply or delete a layer mask
Load a layer or layer mask’s boundaries as a selection
Mask layers with clipping masks
Combine multiple images into a group portrait
Painting tools
About painting tools, options, and palettes
Paint with the Brush tool or Pencil tool
Paint tool options
Paint with a pattern
Paint with the Art History Brush
Erase with the Eraser tool
Change similar pixels with the Magic Eraser tool
Change pixels to transparent with the Background Eraser tool
Auto Erase with the Pencil tool
Changing the brush cursor
Brush presets
Select a preset brush
Change how preset brushes are displayed
Load, save, and manage brush presets
Create a new preset brush
Creating and modifying brushes
Brushes palette overview
Create a brush tip from an image
Create a brush and set painting options
Brush tip shape options
Adding brush dynamics
Brush shape dynamics
Brush scattering
Textured brush options
Dual brushes
Color dynamics Brush options
Other dynamics brush options
Other Brush options
Copy textures between tools
Clear brush options
Set pen sensitivity for graphics tablets
Blending modes
About blending modes
List of blending modes
Blending mode examples
Apply a gradient fill
Manage gradient presets
Gradient Editor overview
Create a smooth gradient
Specify the gradient transparency
Create a noise gradient
Filling and stroking selections, layers, and paths
Fill with the Paint Bucket tool
Fill a selection or layer with a color
Fill the work canvas
Fill a selection with a pattern
Stroke a selection or layer with color
Stroke a path with color
Draw a circle or square
Creating and managing patterns
About patterns
Define an image as a preset pattern
Manage pattern libraries and presets
Generate a pattern using the Pattern Maker
Drawing vector graphics
Drawing shapes and paths
Drawing modes
Drawing shapes
Create a shape on a shape layer
Draw multiple shapes in a layer
Draw a wheel shape
Draw a custom shape
Save a shape or path as a custom shape
Create a rasterized shape
Edit shapes
Shape tool options
Drawing with the Pen tools
About the Pen tools
Draw straight line segments with the Pen tool
Draw curves with the Pen tool
Finish drawing a path
Draw straight lines followed by curves
Draw curves followed by straight lines
Draw two curved segments connected by a corner
Draw with the Freeform Pen tool
Draw using the magnetic pen options
Managing paths
Paths palette overview
Create a new path in the Paths palette
Create a new work path
Manage paths
Editing paths
Path segments, components, and points
Select a path
Adjust path segments
Adjust path components
Add or delete anchor points
Convert between smooth points and corner points
Converting between paths and selection borders
Convert paths to selection borders
Convert a selection to a path
Adding color to paths
Fill paths with color
Stroke paths with color
Filter basics
Using filters
Apply a filter from the Filter menu
Filter Gallery overview
Apply filters from the Filter Gallery
Blend and fade filter effects
Tips for creating special effects
Improve filter performance
Filter effects reference
Artistic filters
Blur filters
Brush Stroke filters
Distort filters
Noise filters
Pixelate filters
Render filters
Sharpen filters
Sketch filters
Stylize filters
Texture filters
Video filters
Other filters
Digimarc filters
Vanishing Point
Applying specific filters
Load images and textures for filters
Set texture and glass surface controls
Defining undistorted areas
Apply the Dust And Scratches filter
Apply the Displace filter
Apply the Color Halftone filter
Apply the Extrude filter
Apply the Trace Contour filter
Create a Custom filter
Add Lighting Effects
Apply the Lighting Effects filter
Lighting Effects types
Adjust an Omni light
Adjust directional light using the preview window
Adjust the spotlight using the preview window
Lighting Effects styles
Add or delete a light
Create, save, or delete a Lighting Effects style
Use the Texture Channel in the Lighting Effects
Creating type
About type and type layers
Entering type
Enter point type
Enter paragraph type
Resize or transform a type bounding box
Convert between point type and paragraph type
Editing text
Edit text
Specify curly or straight quotes
Apply anti-aliasing to a type layer
Check and correct spelling
Find and replace text
Assign a language for text
Change the orientation of a type layer
Rasterize type layers
Formatting characters
About character formatting
Select characters
Character palette overview
About Dynamic Shortcuts
Specify type size
Change the type color
Change the color of individual letters
Underline or strike through text
Apply all caps or small caps
Specify superscript or subscript characters
About fonts
Previewing fonts
Choose a font family and style
Change the font on multiple layers
About missing fonts and glyph protection
OpenType fonts
Apply OpenType features
Line and character spacing
Set leading
Kern and track
Shift the baseline
Turn fractional character widths off or on
Scaling and rotating type
Adjust the scale of type
Rotate type
Rotate vertical type characters
Formatting paragraphs
Format paragraphs
Paragraph palette overview
Specify alignment
Specify justification for paragraph type
Adjust word and letter spacing in justified text
Indent paragraphs
Adjust paragraph spacing
Specify hanging punctuation for Roman fonts
Adjust hyphenation automatically
Prevent words from breaking
Composition methods
Creating type effects
About type effects
Create and edit type on a path
Warp and unwarp type
Create a work path from type
Convert type to shapes
Create a type selection border
Add a drop shadow to text
Fill type with an image
Asian type
About Asian type
Display and set Asian type options
Reduce spacing around Asian type characters
Specify how leading is measured in Asian type
Use tate‑chu‑yoko
Align Asian characters
Specify left and right underlining with Asian type
Set Asian OpenType font attributes
Asian OpenType options
Choose a mojikumi set
Choose kinsoku shori settings for a paragraph
Specify a kinsoku line-breaking option
Specify a burasagari option
Saving and exporting images
Saving images
Saving image files
Save a file
Set file saving preferences
Save large documents
Testing Photoshop images for mobile devices with Adobe Device Central
Create mobile content with Adobe Device Central and Photoshop
Saving PDF files
Saving files in Photoshop PDF format
Save a file in Photoshop PDF format
Adobe PDF presets
About PDF/X and PDF/A standards
PDF compatibility levels
General options for Adobe PDF
Compression and downsampling options for Adobe PDF
Color management and PDF/X options for Adobe PDF
Adding security to PDF files
Save an Adobe PDF preset
Load, edit, or delete Adobe PDF presets
Saving and exporting files in other formats
Save a file in TIFF format
Save a file in JPEG format
Save a file in PNG format
Save a file in GIF format
Save a file in Photoshop EPS format
Save a file in Photoshop DCS format
Save a file in Photoshop Raw format
Save a file in BMP format
Save a 16‑bits-per-channel file in Cineon format
Save a file in Targa format
Save a file in JPEG 2000 format (optional Photoshop plug‑in)
Export layers to files
File formats
About file formats and compression
Maximize compatibility when saving files
Photoshop format (PSD)
Photoshop 2.0 format
Photoshop DCS 1.0 and 2.0 formats
Photoshop EPS format
Photoshop Raw format
Digital Negative format (DNG)
BMP format
Cineon format
DICOM format
Filmstrip format
JPEG format
JPEG 2000 format (Photoshop optional plug‑in)
Large Document Format
OpenEXR format
PICT Resource
Pixar format
PNG format
Portable Bit Map format
Radiance format
Scitex CT
WBMP format
Metadata and annotations
About metadata
Annotating images
Add notes and audio annotations
Open and edit annotations
Adding and viewing Digimarc copyright protection
Read a Digimarc watermark
Adding digital copyright information
Before adding a digital watermark
Embed a watermark
Using the Watermark Durability setting
Check the signal strength meter
Presentations and photo layouts
Create a PDF presentation
Create a contact sheet
Place multiple photos into a picture package
Customize a picture package layout
Placing Photoshop images in other applications
Using Photoshop images in other applications
Prepare images for page-layout programs
Use Photoshop artwork in Adobe Illustrator
Create transparency using image clipping paths
Printing image clipping paths
Export paths to Adobe Illustrator
Link or embed an image using OLE (Windows only)
Printing from Photoshop
About printing
About desktop printing
Print images
Position and scale images
Print part of an image
Print vector data
Printing with color management
Let printer determine printed colors
Let Photoshop determine printed colors
Print a hard proof
Print targets for creating custom profiles
Printing images to a commercial printing press
Preparing images for press
Set output options
Selecting halftone screen attributes
Define the attributes of a halftone screen
Save or load halftone screen settings
Print separations from Photoshop
Prepare an image with spot channels for printing from another application
Change the encoding method
Create a color trap
Determine scan resolution for printing
Printing duotones
About duotones
Convert an image to duotone
Modify the duotone curve for a given ink
Specifying overprint colors
Adjust the display of overprint colors
Saving and loading duotone settings
View the individual colors of a duotone image
Printing duotones
Exporting duotone images to other applications
Printing spot colors
About spot colors
Create a new spot channel
Convert an alpha channel to a spot channel
Edit a spot channel to add or remove color
Change a spot channel’s color or solidity
Merge spot channels
Adjust overlapping spot colors
Web graphics
Working with web graphics
About web graphics
Creating rollovers
Export to Zoomify
Working with hexadecimal color values
Slicing web pages
About sliced web pages
Slice types
Slice a web page
Convert auto and layer-based slices to user slices
View slices and slice options
Modifying slices
Select one or more slices
Move, resize, and snap user slices
Divide user slices and auto slices
Duplicate slices
Copy and paste a slice
Combine slices
Change the stacking order of slices
Align and distribute user slices
Delete a slice
Lock all slices
Slice output options
Display the Slice Options dialog box
Specify a slice content type
Rename a slice
Choose a background color for a slice
Assign URL link information to an Image slice
Specify browser messages and Alt text
Add HTML text to a slice
Creating web photo galleries
About web photo galleries
Create a web photo gallery
Making sure that your colors match
Web photo gallery options
Web photo gallery styles
About customizing web photo gallery styles
Customize or create a web photo gallery style
Web photo gallery style tokens
Optimizing images
About optimization
Save For Web & Devices overview
Preview image gamma at different values
Optimize an image for the web
Save or delete optimization presets
Work with slices in the Save For Web & Devices dialog box
Compress a web graphic to a specific file size
Resize artwork while optimizing
Generate CSS layers for web graphics
Vary optimization based on a mask
Preview optimized images in a web browser
Save a file to e‑mail
Web graphics optimization options
Web graphic formats
JPEG optimization options
GIF and PNG‑8 optimization options
Optimize transparency in GIF and PNG images
View the color table for an optimized slice
Customize the color table for GIF and PNG‑8 images
PNG‑24 optimization options
WBMP optimization options
SWF optimization options (Illustrator)
SVG optimization options (Illustrator)
Output settings for web graphics
Set output options
HTML output options
Slice output options
Background output settings
Saving Files output settings
Include title and copyright information with an image
Video and animation
Video and animation in Photoshop
About animation
About video and video layers in Photoshop Extended
Supported video and image sequence formats (Photoshop Extended)
Animation palette overview
Switch animation modes (Photoshop Extended)
Specify timeline duration and frame rate (Photoshop Extended)
Creating images for video
About creating images for video
Aspect ratio
Create an image for use in video
Load video actions
Adjust pixel aspect ratio
Prepare images for use in After Effects
Import video files and image sequences (Photoshop Extended)
Open or import a video file (Photoshop Extended)
Import image sequences (Photoshop Extended)
Place a video or image sequence (Photoshop Extended)
Reload footage in a video layer (Photoshop Extended)
Replace footage in a video layer (Photoshop Extended)
Interpreting video footage (Photoshop Extended)
Interpret video footage (Photoshop Extended)
Painting frames in video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Paint frames in video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Cloning content in video and animation frames (Photoshop Extended)
Restore frames in video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Managing color in video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Editing video and animation layers (Photoshop Extended)
Transform video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Create new video layers
Set a work area (Photoshop Extended)
Specify when a layer appears in a video or animation (Photoshop Extended)
Remove footage from a layer (Photoshop Extended)
Lift work area (Photoshop Extended)
Extract work area (Photoshop Extended)
Split video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Group layers in a video or animation (Photoshop Extended)
Rasterize video layers (Photoshop Extended)
Creating frame animations
Frame animation workflow
Add frames to an animation
Select animation frames
Edit animation frames
Changing attributes of layers in animations
Copy and paste layers between frames
Create frames using tweening
Add a new layer every time you create a frame
Specify a delay time in frame animations
Choose a disposal method
Specify looping in frame animations
Delete an entire animation
Creating timeline animations (Photoshop Extended)
Timeline animation workflow (Photoshop Extended)
Use keyframes to animate layer properties (Photoshop Extended)
Choose interpolation method (Photoshop Extended)
Create hand-drawn animations (Photoshop Extended)
Insert, delete, or duplicate blank video frames (Photoshop Extended)
Specify onion skin settings (Photoshop Extended)
Convert frame and timeline animations (Photoshop Extended)
Open a multilayer animation
Preview video and animations
Preview a frame animation
Set the timeline area to be previewed (Photoshop Extended)
Previewing video or timeline animations (Photoshop Extended)
Preview your document on a video monitor
Save and export video and animations
Video and animation export formats
Optimize animation frames
Flatten frames into layers
Export video
Specify QuickTime Movie settings (Photoshop Extended)
Export image sequences
Alpha channel rendering in video and image sequences (Photoshop Extended)
Technical imaging
Photoshop and MATLAB (Photoshop Extended)
About Photoshop and MATLAB (Photoshop Extended)
Set up MATLAB and Photoshop (Photoshop Extended)
Connect/disconnect to Photoshop from MATLAB (Photoshop Extended)
Using help and getting started (Photoshop Extended)
MATLAB commands (Photoshop Extended)
Create a new document in MATLAB (Photoshop Extended)
DICOM files (Photoshop Extended)
About DICOM files (Photoshop Extended)
Open a DICOM file (Photoshop Extended)
Export DICOM frames as JPEG files (Photoshop Extended)
DICOM metadata (Photoshop Extended)
Animate DICOM files (Photoshop Extended)
Image Stacks (Photoshop Extended)
About image stacks (Photoshop Extended)
Creating an image stack (Photoshop Extended)
Use a script to create an image stack (Photoshop Extended)
Measurement (Photoshop Extended)
About measurement (Photoshop Extended)
Set the measurement scale (Photoshop Extended)
Use scale markers (Photoshop Extended)
Performing a measurement (Photoshop Extended)
Use the Measurement Log (Photoshop Extended)
Counting objects in an image (Photoshop Extended)
About counting (Photoshop Extended)
Manually count items in an image (Photoshop Extended)
Automatic counting using a selection (Photoshop Extended)
Working with 3D files (Photoshop Extended)
3D files in Photoshop (Photoshop Extended)
Opening 3D files (Photoshop Extended)
Transforming 3D models (Photoshop Extended)
Editing 3D textures (Photoshop Extended)
Place 3D objects in an image (Photoshop Extended)
Save 3D files (Photoshop Extended)
Automating tasks
Automating with actions
About actions
Actions palette overview
Play an action on a file
Specify playback speed
Manage actions
Manage action sets
Creating actions
Recording actions
Record an action
Record a path
Insert a stop
Change settings when playing an action
Exclude commands from an action
Insert a non-recordable menu command
Edit and rerecord actions
Processing a batch of files
Convert files with the Image Processor
Process a batch of files
Create a droplet from an action
Batch and droplet processing options
About scripting
Run a JavaScript
Set scripts and actions to run automatically
Creating data-driven graphics
About data-driven graphics
Define variables
Rename a variable
Define a data set
Preview or apply a data set
Generate graphics using data sets
Creating data sets in external files
Import a data set
Saving templates for use with other Adobe products
Keyboard shortcuts
Customizing keyboard shortcuts
About customizing keyboard shortcuts
Define new keyboard shortcuts
Clear shortcuts from a command or tool
Delete a set of shortcuts
Default keyboard shortcuts
Keys for selecting tools
Keys for selecting tools in the Extract toolbox
Keys for selecting tools in the Liquify toolbox
Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker
Keys for using the Filter Gallery
Keys for using the Refine Edge dialog box
Keys for using the Black-and-White dialog box
Keys for using the Camera Raw dialog box
Keys for using the Curves dialog box
Keys for using Photomerge
Keys for using Vanishing Point
Keys for working with blending modes
Keys for viewing images
Keys for selecting and moving objects
Keys for editing paths
Keys for painting objects
Keys for transforming selections, selection borders, and paths
Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text
Keys for formatting type
Keys for slicing and optimizing
Keys for using palettes
Keys for using the Actions palette
Keys for using the Animation palette
Keys for using the Animation palette Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended Only)
Keys for using the Clone Source
Keys for using the Brushes palette
Keys for using the Channels palette
Keys for using the Color palette
Keys for using the History palette
Keys for using the Info palette
Keys for using the Layer Comps palette
Keys for using the Layers palette
Keys for using the Paths palette
Keys for using the Swatches palette
Keys for using Measurement (Photoshop Extended Only)
Keys for using 3D tools (Photoshop Extended)
Keys for working with DICOM files (Photoshop Extended)
Function keys
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