Table of Contents
Home Page
Getting started
Install the software
Activate the software
Read Me
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Adobe Video Workshop
InDesign CS3 videos
Bridge Home
Adobe Design Center
Adobe Developer Center
Customer support
Adobe Labs
User communities
What’s new
Creativity enhancements
Productivity enhancements
Support for long documents
Customizable user interface
Workspace basics
Workspace overview
Customize the workspace
Save workspaces
About view modes
Using the status bar
Control panel overview
Use the Command bar
Use context menus
Customize menus and keyboard shortcuts
Customize menus
Use keyboard shortcut sets
Toolbox overview
Tools overview
Gallery of selection tools
Gallery of drawing and type tools
Gallery of transformation tools
Gallery of modification and navigation tools
Viewing the workspace
Zoom in and out
Fit the page, spread, or pasteboard within the active window
Use the Navigator panel
Scroll the view
Turn pages
Work with additional windows
Use anti-aliasing for smoothing edges
Greek type
Calculate values in panels and dialog boxes
Enter values in panels and dialog boxes
Setting preferences
About preferences and defaults
Set general preferences
Set defaults
About InDesign styles and presets
Recovery and undo
Recover documents
Undo mistakes
Creating documents
Create new documents
New Document options
Document window overview
Customize the pasteboard and guides
Change document setup
Change page margin and column settings
Create unequal column widths
Creating custom page sizes
Creating custom page sizes
Define document presets
Create a document using a preset
Rulers and measurement units
Show or hide rulers
About rulers and measurement units
Change measurement units and rulers
Override default measurement units
Change the zero point
Measure objects
Info panel overview
About grids
Set up a baseline grid
Set up a document grid
Show or hide grids
Snap objects to the document grid
Ruler guides
Create ruler guides
Show or hide guides
Select ruler guides
Move, edit, or delete ruler guides
Lock or unlock ruler guides
Change ruler guide stacking order
Snap objects to guides and grids
Pages and spreads
About pages and spreads
Change the page and spread display
Target or select a page or spread
Start a document with a two-page spread
Add new pages to a document
Arrange, duplicate, and remove pages and spreads
Control spread pagination
Move or copy pages between documents
About masters, stacking order, and layers
Create masters
Base one master on another
Copy masters
Apply master pages
Unassign masters from document pages
Edit the layout of a master
Edit the options of an existing master page
Delete a master from a document
Override or detach master items
Reapply master items
Import a master from another document
About layers
Create layers
Specify layer options
Assign a layer color
Adding objects to layers
Select, move, and copy objects on layers
Paste objects into different layers
Duplicate a layer
Change the order of layers
Show or hide layers
Set a layer as nonprinting
Lock or unlock layers
Delete layers
Merge layers in a document
Laying out frames and pages
About paths and frames
Show or hide frame edges
Using placeholders to design pages
Redefine the purpose of paths and frames
About automatic layout adjustment
Set options for layout adjustment
Numbering pages, chapters, and sections
Add page, section, and chapter numbering
Define section numbering
Create headers and footers
Document numbering options
Display absolute or section numbering in the Pages panel
Add automatic page numbers for story jumps
Text variables
Create and edit text variables
Create variables for running headers and footers
Insert text variables
Delete, convert, and import text variables
Working with documents
Working with files and templates
Recommended workflow for InDesign documents
Open InDesign documents
Choosing word lists when opening documents
Convert earlier versions of InDesign documents
About Adobe Bridge
Adobe Version Cue
Use document templates
Saving documents
Save documents
Save backwards to previous InDesign versions
Include previews in saved documents
About metadata
Save metadata as a template or XMP file
Converting QuarkXPress and PageMaker documents
Open QuarkXPress files in InDesign
Convert PageMaker documents
Common PageMaker conversion issues
Export text
Export to SVG format
Export to JPEG format
Exporting content for the web
Export content as XHTML
Export to XHTML / Digital Editions
Copying and pasting content into GoLive
Use the web color swatch library
Creating text and text frames
About text frames
Create text frames
Move and resize text frames
Using text frames on master pages
Determine word and character counts
Adding text to frames
Add text to a document
Paste text
Drag and drop text
Importing text
About import filters
Place (import) text
Link or embed imported text files
Threading text
Thread text frames
Cut or delete threaded text frames
Flow text manually or automatically
Text frame properties
Change text frame properties
Add columns to a text frame
Change text frame inset spacing (margins)
First baseline offset options
Set baseline grids for a text frame
Editing text
Select text
View hidden (nonprinting) characters
Add column, frame, and page breaks
Use the Story Editor
Find/Change overview
Find and change text
Search options for finding and changing text
Search using GREP expressions
Metacharacters for searching
Find and change objects
Find and change glyphs
Find and change fonts
Find/change using queries
Glyphs and special characters
Glyphs panel overview
Insert glyphs and special characters
Create and edit custom glyph sets
Save and load glyph sets
Insert special characters
Use quotation marks
Insert white space characters
Spell-checking and language dictionaries
Check spelling
Correct spelling errors as you type
Use dynamic spelling
Hyphenation and spelling dictionaries
Create or add user dictionaries
Set the default language dictionary
Remove, relink, and reorder user dictionaries
Add words to dictionaries
Remove or edit words in dictionaries
Import and export word lists
Change dictionary preferences
Change the default language
Using dictionaries in a workgroup
Create footnotes
Change footnote numbering and layout
Delete footnotes
Work with footnote text
Paragraph and character styles
About character and paragraph styles
Styles panel overview
Define paragraph and character styles
Base one paragraph or character style on another
Import styles from other documents
Convert Word styles to InDesign styles
Apply styles
Edit character and paragraph styles
Redefine a style to match selected text
Delete character or paragraph styles
Override character and paragraph styles
Break the link between text and its style
Convert style bullets and numbering to text
Find and replace character and paragraph styles
Drop caps and nested styles
Apply a character style to a drop cap
Create nested styles
End a nested style
Remove the formatting of a nested style
Object styles
About object styles
Object Styles panel overview
Define object styles
Object style categories
Apply object styles
Use default object styles
Clear object style overrides
Rename an object style
Edit object styles
Delete an object style
Break the link to an object style
Redefine an object style
Import object styles
Working with styles
Duplicate styles or style groups
Use Quick Apply
Group styles
Move and reorder styles
Combining text and objects
Anchored objects
About anchored objects
Create an anchored object
Position a custom-positioned anchored object
Selecting and copying anchored objects
View anchored object markers on the page
Reposition an anchored object on the page manually
Resize an anchored object
Release an anchored object
Wrapping text around objects
Wrap text around objects
Change the shape of a text wrap
Apply text wrap on master page items
Wrapping text around anchored objects
Suppress text wrap on hidden layers
Justify text next to wrap objects
Ignore text wrap in a text frame
Creating type on a path
Create type on a path
Edit or delete type on a path
Adjust the type on a path position
Apply an effect to type on a path
Add anchored objects to type on a path
Formatting text
Format text
Copy type attributes (Eyedropper)
Using fonts
About fonts
Installing fonts
Apply a font to text
Specify a typeface size
Previewing fonts
OpenType fonts
Installing OpenType fonts
Apply OpenType font attributes
Work with missing fonts
Multiple master fonts
About leading
Change leading
Kerning and tracking
About kerning and tracking
Apply kerning to text
Highlight text containing custom kerning and tracking
Adjust kerning between words
Adjust tracking
Formatting characters
Apply baseline shift
Make characters superscript or subscript in a non-OpenType font
Apply underline or strikethrough
Change underline or strikethrough options
Apply ligatures to letter pairs
Change the color and gradient of text
Add transparency effects to text
Assign a language to text
Change the case of type
Scale type
Skew type
Formatting paragraphs
Adjust paragraph spacing
Use drop caps
Add rules (lines) above or below paragraphs
Controlling paragraph breaks
Control paragraph breaks using Keep Options
Create hanging punctuation
Aligning text
Align or justify text
Align paragraphs to a baseline grid
Create balanced headline text
Align or justify text vertically within a text frame
Set indents
Create a hanging indent
Right-indent the last line of a paragraph
Use Indent To Here
About tabs
Tabs dialog box overview
Set tabs
Repeat tabs
Move, delete, and edit tab settings
Specify characters for decimal tabs
Add tab leaders
Insert right indent tabs
Bullets and numbering
Create bulleted or numbered lists
Format a bulleted or numbered list
Change bullet characters
Change numbered list options
Defining lists
Create a paragraph style for running lists
Create multi-level lists
Create running captions for figures and tables
Restart or continue numbering for a list
Convert list bullets or numbers to text
Composing text
About text composition
Composition methods
Choose a composition method for a paragraph
Set composition preferences
Hyphenate text
Prevent unwanted word breaks
Adjust word and letterspacing in justified text
Set glyph scaling
Use a flush space with justified text
Highlight lines that are too loose or tight
Creating tables
About tables
Create tables
Importing tables from other applications
Add text to a table
Add graphics to a table
Change the alignment of a table within a frame
Convert tables to text
Combine tables
Move within a table
Add table headers and footers
Selecting and editing tables
Select table cells, rows, and columns
Insert rows and columns
Delete rows, columns, or tables
Cut, copy, and paste table contents
Move or copy a table
Formatting tables
Formatting tables
Resize columns, rows, and tables
Change the spacing before or after a table
Break tables across frames
Change cell inset spacing
Add text before a table
Format text within a table
Merge and split cells
Work with overset cells
Table strokes and fills
About table strokes and fills
Change the table border
Add stroke and fill to cells
Add diagonal lines to a cell
Table stroke and fill options
Alternate strokes and fills in a table
Table and cell styles
About table and cell styles
Table/Cell Styles panels overview
Define table and cell styles
Load (import) table styles from other documents
Apply table and cell styles
Base one table or cell style on another
Edit table and cell styles
Delete table and cell styles
Redefine table or cell styles based on current formatting
Override table and cell styles
Break the link to table or cell styles
Long document features
Creating book files
Create a book file
Add documents to a book file
Manage book files
Synchronize book documents
Convert book files from previous InDesign versions
Number pages, chapters, and paragraphs in a book
Print or output a book file
Creating a table of contents
About tables of contents
Creating tables of contents in books
Generate a table of contents
Create or import TOC styles
Options for formatting a table of contents
Create TOC entries with tab leaders
Create a paragraph style with a tab leader
Update a table of contents
Editing a table of contents
Creating an index
About indexing
Index panel overview
Create a list of topics for an index
Add index entries
Page range options in indexes
Add a cross-reference in an index
Generate an index
Change the sort order of indexes
Capitalize index entries
Manage an index
Working with markers
About markers
View markers
Select markers
Understanding paths and shapes
Types of paths and shapes
About paths
About direction lines and direction points
Drawing with the line or shape tools
Draw basic lines and shapes
Draw a placeholder shape
Specify polygon settings
Change the shape of a path automatically
Drawing with the Pencil tool
Draw with the Pencil tool
Edit paths with the Pencil tool
Pencil tool options
Drawing with the Pen tool
Draw straight line segments with the Pen tool
Draw curves with the Pen tool
Reposition anchor points as you draw
Finish drawing a path
Draw straight lines followed by curves
Draw curves followed by straight lines
Draw two curved segments connected by a corner
Editing paths
Select paths, segments, and anchor points
Adjust path segments
Add or delete anchor points
Convert between smooth points and corner points
Split a path using the Scissors tool
Smooth out paths
Reshape closed paths or objects
Crop content using the Position tool
Applying line (stroke) settings
Set strokes
Stroke panel options
Add start and end shapes
Define custom stroke styles
Save custom stroke styles
Apply corner effects
Compound paths and shapes
About compound paths
Best practices for editing compound paths
Create a compound path
Change holes to fills in a compound path
Break up a compound path
Change the holes in a compound path
Create compound shapes
Create paths from text outlines
Understanding graphics formats
Choosing the right graphics format
About vector graphics
About bitmap images
Image resolution guidelines for final output
Importing files from Adobe applications
Importing Adobe Illustrator graphics
Create a layered PDF in Adobe Illustrator
Pasting Illustrator graphics into InDesign
Importing Adobe Photoshop (.PSD) files
Importing PDF pages
Importing InDesign (.indd) pages
Importing other graphics formats
About other graphics formats
Using Adobe Stock Photos in InDesign
TIFF (.tif) files
Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) files
JPEG (.jpg) files
Bitmap (.bmp) files
Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) files
Desktop Color Separations (.dcs) files
Macintosh PICT (.pict) files
Windows Metafile Format (.wmf) and Enhanced Metafile Format (.emf) files
PCX (.pcx) files
Portable Network Graphics (.png) files
Scitex CT (.sct) files
Placing graphics
Place (import) graphics
Place multiple graphics
Import options for graphics
Control layer visibility in imported images
Paste or drag graphics
Create snippets
Add snippets to a document
Control graphics’ display performance
Managing graphics links
About links and embedded graphics
Links panel overview
Display link information
View and save metadata via the Links panel
Embed an image within the document
Unembed a linked file
Updating, restoring, and replacing links
Edit original artwork
Object libraries
About object libraries
Create an object library
Add an object or page to a library
Add an object from a library to a document
Manage library objects
Find objects in a library
Frames and objects
Selecting objects
Overview of selection methods
Select objects
Select nested or overlapping objects
Arrange objects in a stack
Transforming objects
Transform panel overview
Change transformation settings
Transform objects
Rotate objects
Move objects
Resize objects
Scale objects
Reflect (flip) objects
Shear (skew) objects
Repeat transformations
Clear transformations
Aligning and distributing objects
Align panel overview
Align or distribute objects
Grouping, locking, and duplicating objects
Group or ungroup objects
Lock or unlock objects
Duplicate objects
Create nonprinting objects
Working with frames and objects
Modifying objects using graphics frames
Paste an object into a frame
Remove a frame’s content
Fit an object to its frame
Set frame fitting options
Move a graphics frame or its content
Create a border or background
Crop or mask objects
Clipping paths
Clipping paths
Crop using a graphic’s path or alpha channel
Create a clipping path automatically
Transparency effects
Adding transparency effects
About transparency
Effects panel overview
Apply transparency effects
Transparency effects
Common transparency settings and options
Set the opacity of an object
Applying transparency to groups
Change the appearance of transparent artwork on-screen
Stop displaying transparency
Blending colors
Specify how colors blend
Isolate blending modes
Knock out objects within a group
Specify a color space for blending transparent objects
Flattening transparent artwork
About flattening
About transparency flattener presets
Apply a flattener preset for output
Create or edit a transparency flattener preset
Export and import a custom transparency flattener preset
Rename or delete a custom transparency flattener preset
Flatten an individual spread
Ignore the flattener preset on an individual spread
Transparency Flattener options
Preview which areas of artwork will be flattened
Refresh the preview in the Flattener Preview panel
Best practices when creating transparency
Understanding spot and process colors
About spot and process colors
About spot colors
About process colors
Using spot and process colors together
Comparing colors in InDesign and Illustrator
Applying color
Apply color
Select a color with the Color Picker
Apply the last used color
Remove fill or stroke color
Applying colors by dragging and dropping
Apply a color or gradient swatch
Apply color using the Color panel
Create a swatch from a color in the Color panel
Cycle through color modes
Apply colors using the Eyedropper tool
Working with swatches
Swatches panel overview
Create color swatches
Add unnamed colors to the Swatches panel
Edit the default colors in the Swatches panel
Duplicate a swatch
Edit a swatch
Control swatch names
Customize swatch display
Delete swatches
Save swatches for use in other documents
Share swatches between applications
Importing swatches
Import swatches
Copy swatches between InDesign documents
Load swatches from predefined custom color libraries
Color libraries installed with InDesign
About tints
Create and edit tints
About gradients
Create a gradient swatch
Apply an unnamed gradient using the Gradient panel
Modify gradients
Adjust a gradient with the Gradient tools
Apply a gradient across multiple objects
Applying gradients to text
Multiple gradients in a single text frame
Mixing inks
About mixing inks
Create a mixed ink swatch
Create a mixed ink group
Edit mixed ink swatches
Manage mixed ink groups
Using colors from imported graphics
Using colors from imported graphics
Using the Eyedropper tool to sample colors
Working with spot-color channels in an Adobe Photoshop (PSD) file
Working with colors from EPS or PDF files
Change an imported spot color to a process color
Color management
Understanding color management
Why colors sometimes don’t match
What is a color management system?
Do you need color management?
Creating a viewing environment for color management
Keeping colors consistent
About color management in Adobe applications
Basic steps for producing consistent color
Synchronize color settings across Adobe applications
Set up color management
Change the appearance of CMYK black (Illustrator, InDesign)
Managing process and spot colors
Color-managing imported images
Color-managing imported images (Illustrator, InDesign)
Using a safe CMYK workflow
Preparing imported graphics for color management
View or change profiles for imported bitmap images (InDesign)
Color-managing documents for online viewing
Color-managing documents for online viewing
Color-managing PDFs for online viewing
Color-managing HTML documents for online viewing
Proofing colors
Soft-proofing colors
Soft-proof colors
Save or load a custom proof setup
Soft-proof colors (Acrobat)
Color-managing documents when printing
Printing with color management
Letting the printer determine colors when printing
Letting the application determine colors when printing
Obtaining custom profiles for desktop printers
Color-managing PDFs for printing
Working with color profiles
About color profiles
About monitor calibration and characterization
Calibrate and profile your monitor
Install a color profile
Embed a color profile
Embed a color profile (Acrobat)
Changing the color profile for a document
Assign or remove a color profile (Illustrator, Photoshop)
Assign or remove a color profile (InDesign)
Convert document colors to another profile (Photoshop)
Convert document colors to another profile
Color settings
Customize color settings
About color working spaces
Working Space options
About missing and mismatched color profiles
Color management policy options
Color conversion options
About rendering intents
Advanced controls in Photoshop
Trapping color
Trapping documents and books
About ink trapping
Trapping methods
About automatic trapping
Automatic trapping requirements
Differences between built‑in trapping and Adobe In‑RIP Trapping
Trapping imported bitmap images
Trapping imported vector graphics
Trapping text
Maximizing trapping performance
Setting aside disk space for built‑in trapping
Trap a document or book
Trap presets
Trap Presets panel overview
Create or modify a trap preset
Duplicate a trap preset
Delete a trap preset
Import presets from another InDesign document
Assign a trap preset to pages
Set up trapping page ranges
Disable a trapping page range
Trap preset options
Set sliding traps
About trapping black
Set the trap width for colors next to black
Printing books with conflicting trap presets
Adjusting ink options for trapping
Adjusting ink neutral density values
Customize trapping for specialty inks
Adjust the trapping sequence
Creating Adobe PDF files
Exporting to Adobe PDF
About Adobe PDF
Export to PDF
Reducing the size of PDFs
Adobe PDF presets
Customize Adobe PDF presets
Load Adobe PDF presets
Adobe PDF options
Adobe PDF option categories
About PDF/X standards
PDF compatibility levels
General options for PDFs
Compression and downsampling options for PDFs
Marks and Bleeds options for PDFs
Color management and PDF/X output options for PDFs
Font, OPI, and flattening options for PDFs
Adding security to PDF files
Security options for PDFs
Font embedding and substitution
Preparing a document for on-screen viewing
Preparing PDFs for service providers
About PDF print publishing tools
Checking your document before exporting
Produce a print-ready Adobe PDF file
Structuring PDFs
Adding structure to PDFs
How tags affect reuse and accessibility
Understanding and optimizing reflow
Tag page items
Label graphics for use with screen-reader software
Group page items into an Article element
Adding hyperlinks for PDFs
Create hyperlinks
Manage hyperlinks
Including bookmarks in PDFs
Create bookmarks
Manage bookmarks
Using movies and sounds in PDFs
Add movies and sound files to documents
Resize movie objects, posters, or frames
Choosing which PDF version to use with media files
Creating buttons for PDFs
Create buttons
Change the appearance of button states
Making buttons interactive
Create jumps to hyperlink anchors
Set the button tab order
Working with XML
About XML
XML tools
About DTD files
XML rule sets
Importing XML
XML import and layout methods
About merging
Import and append XML data
Lay out XML manually
Map XML tags to styles
About automatic layout
Working with repeating data
Create placeholders for automatic layout
Import and merge XML
Tagging content for XML
Create and load XML tags
Tag items
Specify Autotag defaults
Show or hide tag markers and tagged frames
Untag or retag items
Delete tags
Structuring documents for XML
Structure pane overview
Rearrange structured elements
Insert a parent element
Work with attributes
Edit href attributes
Add comments and processing instructions
Use DTD files to validate XML
Exporting XML
Export document content to XML
Optimized image export options
Save tags only as XML
Edit an exported XML file
Printing documents
About printing
Print a document or book
Specifying pages to print
Specify paper size and page orientation
Choose which layers are printed or exported to PDF
Printing to non-PostScript language printers
Print as bitmap
Preview documents
Setting up a printer
Setting up a printer
About printer drivers
Accessing printer driver features
About PPD files
Select a PPD file
Printer’s marks and bleeds
Specify printer’s marks
Print the bleed or slug areas
Change the page position on the media
Printing thumbnails and oversized documents
Print thumbnails
Printing oversized documents
Tile a document
Scale documents
Printing in color
Color output options for composites
Printing graphics and fonts
Options for printing graphics
Options for downloading fonts to a printer
PostScript printing options
Options for omitting graphics
Managing color
Use color management when printing
Print a hard proof
Printing gradients and color blends
Improving gradients and color blends in print
About halftone dots and printer dots
Print presets
Create print presets
Apply print presets
Edit print presets
Delete print presets
Export or import print presets
View a summary of print settings/presets
Handing off files
Perform a preflight check
Correct font errors during preflight
Repair links and images during preflight
Package files
Creating PostScript and EPS files
Creating PostScript or EPS files
Choosing the right method for creating a PostScript file
Create a device-independent PostScript file
Create a device-dependent PostScript file using InDesign
About device- and driver-dependent PostScript files
Create a PostScript file using a PostScript printer driver (Windows)
Create a PostScript file using a PostScript printer driver (Mac OS)
Export pages into EPS format
Printing booklets
Impose a document for booklet printing
Understanding creep
Preview or view a summary of booklet printing
Color separations
Preparing to print separations
Creating separations
Prepare your document for color separations
Outputting spot colors
View the process color equivalents of a spot color
Print an object on all color plates
Printing gradients as separations
Printing a composite
About overprinting
Determining when to overprint manually
Overprint a stroke or fill
Overprint a paragraph rule
Overprint rules above footnotes
Simulate overprinting of spot inks
Change the black overprint setting
Previewing color separations
Previewing color separations
Preview separation plates
Preview ink coverage
Return to normal view
Inks, separations, and screen frequency
Ink Manager overview
Specify which colors to separate
Separate spot colors as process
Create an ink alias for a spot color
Display or output spot colors using Lab values
About halftone screen frequency
Specify a halftone screen frequency and resolution
About emulsion and image exposure
Specify emulsion
Specify the image exposure
Checking separation and document settings
Proofing color separations
Producing in‑RIP separations
Print or save separations
Scripting in InDesign
Scripts panel and Script Label panel overview
Enable scripts attached to menus
Install plug‑ins
Configure plug‑ins
Data merge
About data merge
Basic steps for merging data
About data source files
Add image fields in the data source file
About target documents
Select a data source
Insert data fields
Adding data field placeholders to master pages
Update, remove, or replace data source files
Preview records in the target document
Switching preview on or off
Edit data field placeholders
Set content placement options
Merging records
Merge records
Update data fields
Overset text reports
Content placement options
Sharing content between InCopy and InDesign
Understanding a basic managed-file workflow
Sharing content
Ways to work with content in InCopy
Managed files
Best practices for working with managed files
Managed-file workflow examples
Enter user identification
Workflow icons
Sharing content
Exporting content from InDesign
Assignments panel overview
Assignment files
Create assignments and add content (InDesign)
Export content as separate InCopy files (InDesign)
Export stories for use in InCopy CS (InDesign)
Assignment packages
Create and send packages (InDesign)
Receive packages (InCopy)
Receive return packages (InDesign)
Working with managed files
Open shared content
Check out content
Opening managed files (InCopy)
Update assignment files (InDesign)
Update content
Accidentally updating your work
Update the InDesign layout
Check in content
Save changes (InDesign)
Save changes (InCopy)
Adjusting your workflow
Move content between assignments (InDesign)
Delete assignments (InDesign)
Relink missing assignment files (InDesign)
Correct mistakes
Overriding locked files (InDesign)
Unlink content files (InDesign)
Placing InCopy files in InDesign documents
Adding editorial notes and tracking changes in InDesign
Comparison of PageMaker and InDesign menus
PageMaker menu commands
PageMaker File menu commands
PageMaker Edit menu commands
PageMaker Layout menu commands
PageMaker Type menu commands
PageMaker Element menu commands
PageMaker Utilities menu commands
PageMaker View menu commands
PageMaker Window menu commands
Keyboard shortcuts
Default keyboard shortcuts
Keys for tools
Keys for selecting and moving objects
Keys for transforming objects
Keys for editing paths and frames
Keys for tables
Keys for finding and changing text
Keys for working with type
Keys for navigating through and selecting text
Keys for viewing documents and document workspaces
Keys for working with XML
Keys for indexing
Keys for panels
Keys for the Control panel
Keys for the Character and Paragraph panels
Keys for the character and paragraph styles
Keys for the Tabs panel
Keys for the Layers panel
Keys for the Pages panel
Keys for the Links panel
Keys for the Color panel
Keys for using the Separations Preview panel
Keys for the Swatches panel
Keys for the Transform panel
Keys for resolving conflicts between Mac OS 10.3x and 10.4
Legal notices